OLZ Line

Our Lives in ZomTopia

Written by
M. R. Struble
Spoilers ahead
Spoilers for Hunter & the Hunted
Content Coming Soon-ish
This content is slated for wave 2 release and should be ready early 2025 with the hopeful release of Hunter and the Hunted book.
Time to read
3 minutes
Last Updated

Gatherer, Stalker, General

There was not much information about these strange creatures, which is most disappointing. It seems that most of the research is merely speculation.

Gatherers, as we like to call them, are strange humanoid-like creatures that started showing up sometime after the rising. No one knows where they came from or how they seem to be able to control the undead, but everyone knows to stay away from them.


5 star line

These strange monstrosities either are an experiment gone wrong or a strange new monster.


There are several different names for this type of undead. Here are a few of the ones we have heard.





  1. They are the leaders
  2. Variant Alpha 1

We have not seen these creatures south of the Georga Florida range but have had several survivors report they can be found towards the center of the state. This makes us wonder if these creatures have an aversion to large bodies of water or something.

Jay and R.M had an encounter with one of these creatures before and said it followed them for about two miles then just left. We have talked to other survivors who their entire group was decimated by these creatures.

They seem to be highly territorial, preferring to stay within the bounds of their territory and rarely leaving it.

There have been reports that these creatures will chase out or kill anything, human or animal, that enters their territory but there have also been reports of these creatures simply following people through their territory not bothering with them. With such conflicting reports we are led to believe this behavior is a per-creature basis.

From what we have been able to observe we believe these creatures possess some form of communication or ability to influence the undead. We have seen them gather undead in their territories, but several reports have stated that the undead will part for them or surround them to protect them. If we could get a specimen to study, we might be able to learn how to control the undead ourselves.

We heard these creatures look similar to a lanky limbed human or an ape but are hairless, maybe have scales, and they definitely have claws and fangs.

Reports say they have long lanky arms with three long fingers and a thumb that all end in long sharp claws. They have stout bodies and long boney legs.

Their skin has been described as scaly looking and often gray or a blueish color. They do not seem to have any hair on their bodies.

We have not been able to kill any of these creatures yet but have heard they can be killed by normal means. It is said that the undead will act irrationally when the creature is threatened, such as protecting it from gun fire or following them in a retreat rather than continuously chasing their prey.

These new species, variant alpha 1 or Val, are another anomaly. We have no records of where they came from or if they are some mutations of the undead. We have been unable to acquire one to examine properly. Every time a team goes out to retrieve a specimen, they are either chased off by hoards or the creature is gone. This sort of defensive planning seems to indicate a measure of intellect in these creatures.
Segment of a report from Dr M. Wilbur 
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